Generic Drug forum in Norwalk

December 4, 2019

Costs for generic drugs have been going up recently causing a financial hardship and health risk for many people. As the Vice Chair of the Insurance and Real Estate Committee, I have been working on legislation to address this issue. On Tuesday, December 17, I will co-host a generic drug forum with my area colleagues, our Attorney General and others.

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Happy Thanksgiving!

November 27, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving! I would like to take a moment to express my appreciation to all of you. It is an honor to represent a district with so many devoted individuals like you who give back to our community every day.

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October - Breast Cancer Awareness

October 18, 2019

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The probability of contracting Breast Cancer is affected by preventable behavior as well as genetics, making early detection possible and life-saving. Prevention is key to the fight against breast cancer.

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A Push for Later School Start Times

October 2, 2019

Most of us agree that proper sleep is essential to the overall daytime alertness and growth of young people. Clinical experts from across the state presented their findings and urged state lawmakers and education officials to consider a statewide move to later school start times during a forum early Tuesday morning.

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