100% Voting Record

August 21, 2019

I am proud to announce that I was one of few legislators to score a perfect voting record this past session.

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Sales Tax Free Week

August 14, 2019

Summer is coming to a close and kids will soon be heading back to school. To help working families prepare – and save – Connecticut offers its annual Sales Tax Free Week. From Sunday, August 18 through Saturday, August 24, you can save on clothing and footwear - and send your kids back to school in style! 

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Join My Walk to End Alzheimer's

August 9, 2019

I am hosting a team (#CTTeam142) to support the Walk to End Alzheimer's and am looking for teammates to come walk with me and help me raise money for this important cause on October 13 at Calf Pasture Beach.

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Local Non-profit gets state funds

June 21, 2019

I am pleased to see that Person to Person, a community agency that provides basic goods and services for those in need will be receiving $250,000 in state funding. Their commitment to our community providing basic needs is admirable!

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