College Interns Needed At State Capitol

September 21, 2017

The General Assembly's Legislative Internship Program is now accepting applications for spring 2018. Interns work one-on-one with legislators and learn how our state government works. I've had many wonderful interns over the years, and I encourage you to share this opportunity with a college student in your life.

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Butler Lauds Affordable Housing Bill Passage

June 9, 2017

Rep. Larry Butler, House chairman of the Housing Committee, on Friday praised the Senate’s passage of an affordable housing bill that he called historic legislation. The bill, passed previously by the House, goes to Gov. Dannel Malloy for his signature.

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Honoring Waterbury Lives Lost In Tragedy

April 25, 2017

I was honored to host Waterbury’s 30th anniversary observance of the tragic L’Ambiance Plaza building collapse in Bridgeport that claimed the lives of 28 workers, including many from Waterbury. The names of those who lost their lives were read at the observance today at Veterans Memorial Hall in City Hall in Waterbury.

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Butler Joins Groups Opposing Program Cuts

March 24, 2017

Rep. Larry Butler joined his legislative colleagues and advocates of Connecticut's community action agency network to oppose Governor Dannel Malloy's proposed cuts in the state's human services programs and President Trump's proposed cuts in federal programs.

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House Approves CT Pension Agreement

February 1, 2017

I voted for the agreement to restructure the state’s long-term pension payment obligations because it will give us more predictability for balancing the state budget and meeting our long-term obligations to Connecticut’s workers in the coming years. -- Larry

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