Improving Fiscal Outlook for Connecticut

December 7, 2022

I am pleased to report that responsible budgeting and major structural changes made to pension and teachers' retirements plans are putting Connecticut on much more solid fiscal ground and saving taxpayers billions in debt payments.
To continue our efforts in easing the burden on families, my colleagues and I today voted to extend sweeping tax relief for the state, provide additional funding for energy assistance programs, and continue premium pay for frontline workers.

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More Tax Relief for CT Families

November 28, 2022

As we head into the holiday season, we are reminded that many families in Connecticut are still facing added financial strain.

To continue our efforts in easing the burden on families, my colleagues and I today voted to extend sweeping tax relief for the state, provide additional funding for energy assistance programs, and continue premium pay for frontline workers.

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Small Business Saturday

November 21, 2022

November 26 is Small Business Saturday – a day to support small businesses and show how much we appreciate the entrepreneurs that make up the fabric of our vibrant communities.

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