September Newsletter

October 2, 2019

The warm weather is still here, but the calendar tells us that summer is finally over - I hope you and your family had an enjoyable one. While the legislative session adjourned in June, our work is never really done – there is always more to do, monitoring and implementing prior legislation and working and preparing for next year’s session.

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New Laws in Effect October 1

October 1, 2019

There's been a lot of attention lately to a few new laws going into effect on October 1.  Here's a few others I'd like to highlight that might have slipped under the radar but are just as important and bring some welcome and positive changes to Connecticut

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July Newsletter

July 3, 2019

Find out about the new laws that went into effect July 1, when I will be holding office hours, and information on the CHET Baby Scholars program.

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