Fighting for the Policies of Change

June 4, 2020

George Floyd's killing in Minneapolis has shaken the country to its core. We have been forced to face facts that make us uncomfortable, and deal with truths that contradict the myth that racism is a problem from history books. Over the last few days, many of you have reached out to me highlighting the urgency we all feel in eradicating state-sanctioned violence and anti-Black racism in our own communities.

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Enrollment Deadline Ticking Down

June 1, 2020

Time is running out as Access Health CT deadlines approach for residents that lost health insurance due to job loss. People can enroll any time within 60 days of losing their job, but the deadline to enroll is approaching fast for those who lost their health insurance in early April.

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Additional COVID-19 Testing Sites

May 29, 2020

I hope everyone is enjoying the nicer weather but still ensuring that they keep important social distancing and hygiene measures in place. This weekend looks like it will be great, and I hope you have the opportunity to get outside and take advantage of it.

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Honoring the Fallen on Memorial Day

May 24, 2020

Memorial Day is a time for us to remember and honor all those who have died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. 'Thank you' to all our veterans for their devoted service in the defense of our great nation.

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Weekly Update/Highlights

May 22, 2020

I am pleased to share this update with you as Connecticut finally starts to turn the corner with brighter days ahead! And whatever your plans for this weekend, please be safe and continue to follow all the necessary precautions for you and your family.

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Infrared thermometers secured

May 18, 2020

Connecticut has secured 50,000 infrared thermometers for small businesses, nonprofits, and places of worship to support safe reopening activities amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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National Nurses Week

May 6, 2020

Today is National Nurses Day and the beginning of Nurses Week, May 6th – 12th and I want to make sure to thank them for their selfless commitment!

Nurses have always been on the frontlines of care and an integral part of a healthcare system that would quickly fall apart and fail without them. This is especially relevant now as the country deals with the challenges of a pandemic that has brought them to the national spotlight.

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