Phase 3 Reopening Update

July 8, 2020

Although Connecticut has done a great job containing the COVID virus, cases are spiking in other parts of the country that have eased quarantine restrictions. As a precaution, Governor Lamont announced that Phase 3 of reopening, which was expected to roll out on July 20th, has been delayed indefinitely.

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Happy Independence Day and Weekly Highlights

July 4, 2020

I hope you and your loved ones have had a chance to enjoy the nice warm weather and are excited for the days ahead. As we monitor the ever-evolving stream of information related to the pandemic, I am encouraged by Connecticut's declining numbers as well as the overall cooperation from residents.

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DMV Reopens - Limited service

June 25, 2020

The Department of Motor Vehicles is up and rolling again, though on a limited, appointment-only basis following a plan it developed for reopening this week.

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DOT Update & Police Accountability Executive Order

June 20, 2020

As Connecticut moves into Phase 2 of reopening, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has released new information on what state residents can expect for train, bus, and highway travel.

I also want to share an Executive Order issued by the governor addressing Police Accountability & Modernization.

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Food Drive/Shredding Effort

June 19, 2020

I will be co-hosting a food drive with the Silvermine Community Association to benefit Person-to-Person on their efforts to support people in the community who are suffering from food insecurity during this difficult time, on Saturday, June 20.

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Weekly Update

June 18, 2020

I hope everyone has been able to enjoy this nice weather and getting some fresh air. Even though we are in stage 2 of reopening our state, please remember that we are still in a pandemic. It is up to all of us to continue to do our part to prevent a renewed spread of COVID, so please keep washing your hands frequently and wear a face covering when you cannot social distance.

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Phase Two - Re-Open CT Plan

June 9, 2020

I am excited to see our state taking a gradual approach to reopening in order to protect our most vulnerable peers. That's why it is crucial that this is done safely and deliberately. Next Wednesday, June 17, the second phase is set to begin and like most of you, I am looking forward to bringing a sense of normalcy to our daily lives.

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