Legislation Passed In The House This Week

April 28, 2023

We are in the final six weeks of the 2023 legislative session. Each week we are in the chamber for multiple days, and potentially long hours, while we debate and vote on the bills that have passed out of committee. As legislators, we don’t typically have advance notice of which bills will be called, since there are so many factors that go into the decision to call up legislation for a vote.

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Breaking Down the State Budget Process

April 14, 2023

We are more than halfway through the regular session, and this is the time of year when legislative activity picks up in the Connecticut General Assembly.

After weeks of holding public hearings, the Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee and Appropriations Committee approved their budget proposals (Appropriations handles the spending side and Finance handles the revenue side).

The next step…negotiations and compromise: Legislators will work with the Governor and his staff to craft the final budget agreement. The budget bill then goes before the House and Senate for consideration. After being passed by both chambers, the legislature’s final budget must then be signed into law by the governor before the end of the fiscal year, June 30.

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Bipartisan Women’s Caucus

April 6, 2023

Before Wednesday's session, the Bipartisan Women's Caucus held a press conference announcing the caucus's 2023 legislative priorities. The caucus's legislative priorities are representative of the issues that impact women in Connecticut the most.

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April is Distracted Driving Month

April 3, 2023

Distracted drivers often do not see the risk of their behavior until it’s too late. If your attention is anywhere other than the road, you are driving distracted and putting yourself and others at risk of a crash, injury, or death. We are all counting on each other to drive responsibly.

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Transgender Day of Visibility

March 31, 2023

While we must highlight the many systemic barriers trans people face, today is also a day to CELEBRATE the trans and gender non-conforming community today! Trans joy is most necessary when it feels the most impossible.

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