Op-Ed: How We Create a Range of Housing That Works for Ridgefield

May 24, 2023

Thanks to ongoing conversations with Ridgefield's Planning and Zoning Commission, Board of Selectmen, and the local Council of Governments, as well as other state legislators from Fairfield County, I have given direct feedback to leadership at the Capitol on housing bills, with the goal of arriving at a final bill that could help Ridgefield, and at the very least, won’t harm us. None of the bills before us are in their final form, and none have the same language or specifications they had when heard in the public hearing, but I will continue to advocate for Ridgefield until they are ready to be voted on in either chamber. 

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Increasing Accountability Among Utility Companies

May 3, 2023

The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) unanimously voted to begin a search for consultants to monitor the performance of the state's two electric distribution companies - Eversource and United Illuminating. This is an important step toward eventually shifting to performance-based regulation for the companies.

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