104K Grant Secured

June 14, 2019

I am grateful for all the work the Danbury Police Activities League does in keeping our youth safe and am pleased to have played a role in securing a 104K grant, so they can continue to offer youth programs for the next two years.

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Gay and Transgender Panic

June 4, 2019

Today the House of Representatives unanimously passed legislation that would ban the “gay and transgender panic” defense. As a co-introducer of the bill I am proud of our state for implementing this necessary measure to ensure all individuals feel safe.

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Connecticut's Green Energy Moves Forward

May 28, 2019

As Vice Chair of the Energy and Technology Committee, I am pleased to announce that this week the legislature passed HB 5002. The bill represents a comprehensive measure that will lay the ground work towards sustainable green initiatives that include investments in renewable energy and green technology to help us achieve some of our long term environment-friendly goals.

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