Connecticut Lawmakers Recognize World Aids Day

December 1, 2020

Every December 1 since 1988, groups across the globe have recognized World AIDS Day, an international day dedicated to raising awareness of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, increasing education, and speaking out against the stigma that shrouds HIV/AIDS.

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Danbury to Receive State Funds

October 2, 2020

This week I was proud to support passage of the legislature’s School Construction Bill, which would allow Danbury to receive funds for a proposed career academy for middle and high school students.

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Holding Eversource accountable

August 13, 2020

Today I am calling on leadership to introduce legislation that requires utilities to provide better communications during outages, reduce ratepayer bills to make up for lost or spoiled food and medications, and hold the utilities accountable for developing a more secure energy distribution grid.

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