Minority Teacher Recruitment Bill Senate Passage

May 3, 2018

Leaders of the state legislature’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC),  Chair State Rep. Christopher Rosario (D-Bridgeport), and vice chair, State Rep. Brandon McGee (D-Hartford/Windsor) issued the following statement after Senate approval Wednesday, of  SB 455, An Act Concerning Minority Teacher Recruitment  and Retention, which will  make a number of changes in the teacher certification laws to make it easier, in certain areas, for teachers to obtain certification or cross endorsement.

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Dreamers Bill Gets Final Legislative Approval in the House

April 26, 2018

As leaders of the state legislature’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC), my colleague and vice chair, State Rep. Brandon McGee and I, are extremely thrilled to see our CT Dreamers' dream closer to reality after House passage of Senate Bill 4, An Act Assisting Students without Legal Immigration Status with the Cost of College, giving students access to a pool of money that they have already paid into. Following is our statement.

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Push to add Hollow area to 'Opportunity Zone' list

April 23, 2018

A portion of the district I represent (Bridgeport’s 128), has been nominated by the governor as one of 72 opportunity zones – a new federal program available to qualified census tracts and that’s good news. But I am also advocating to have the Hollow area added to the nominations list.

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Housing Re-Entry Bill Moves Forward

April 11, 2018

Chair of the legislature’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus State Representative Christopher Rosario (D-Bridgeport) and Vice-Chair, State Representative Brandon McGee (D-Hartford/Windsor) hailed passage of House Bill 5375, An Act Creating a Working Group to Study Housing Options for Persons Reentering the Community After Incarceration.

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Citizenship question in 2020 Census is unnecessary!

April 4, 2018

The White House announcement to include a question regarding the US Citizenship status of respondents of the 2020 Census is not only unnecessary, untimely but costly. The Census allows for funding streams and redistricting processes for our communities, and an inaccurate count will severely affect us all.

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Rosario - Casino Bill Statement

March 16, 2018

I am extremely disappointed at Public Safety Committee co-chair Senator Larson’s decision not to allow our casino bill come for a vote today in spite of the amount of support it generated at the public hearing, including Attorney General Jepsen’s testimony that opening the bidding process would not jeopardize the compact agreement.

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