Ethan's Law Passes in House

May 8, 2019

Connecticut is a leader when it comes to sensible gun safety laws. Yesterday, we continued our leadership on the issue by passing Ethan’s Law, legislation regulating ghost guns, and legislation increasing safe storage in motor vehicles.

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One Step Closer to Early Voting

April 25, 2019

Our electoral rights are the foundation of our democracy, but as personal schedules become more and more rigid, voters are less able to make it to the polls. Or when they do, they get discouraged by the long lines on Election Day.

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A Healthcare Proposal for Small Business

April 16, 2019

Our small businesses are the backbone of our economy. They offer jobs, economic growth and highlight the best our city and state have to offer. As your state representative, I believe we can do more to better support our small business owners and employees here in Danbury and Connecticut.

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CHESLA Accepting Applications for Scholarships Until May 10

April 3, 2019

It’s an exciting time of year for students as they prepare for higher education and move closer to their future goals. For many, college costs can be overwhelming and if students are unaware of available resources, searching for loans, grants and scholarships can be a daunting task.

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