Arts Grants Approved For New Haven

May 11, 2018

Rep. Toni Walker joined her New Haven colleagues in the House in hailing the announcement of a total of $125,000 in federal grants awarded in support of New Haven arts organizations.

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Walker, Workers Praise Contract Approval

March 21, 2018

By an overwhelming vote, the legislature has voted to approve a contract that raises wages, increases holiday pay and provides workers' compensation for thousands of private sector, personal-care assistants who are directly employed by their elderly and disabled clients, but paid through state and federal programs.

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Democratic Values Agenda For Our State

February 6, 2018

Today I stood with my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate to unveil the Democratic Values Agenda for the 2018 legislative session, ensuring that everyone in the New.Haven area as well as across Connecticut is treated fairly.

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Funding Approved For Police Body Cameras

December 4, 2017

Just in case you hadn’t heard, the State Bond Commission has approved funding for body cameras for our city police. Both law enforcement authorities and victim advocates have supported technology such as body cameras, and this funding will help ensure that citizens and their rights are protected. New Haven was one of 14 municipal police departments approved for the purchase of body-worn recording equipment and digital stage devices.

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