No Cuts To Watchdog Agencies

August 4, 2016

I vehemently disagree with the state Office of Policy and Management’s (OPM) recent position that the governor has the authority to rescind budgeted funding from the state’s three watchdog agencies.

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FY2017 Appropriation Budget

April 6, 2016

The Appropriations Committee is proposing a FY 2017 General Fund budget of $18,141,684,330 ($18.1 billion), which is $569.4 million LESS than the $18.7 billion FY 2017 General Fund budget that was approved just last June.

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Rehabilitation Over Incarceration

March 10, 2016

I joined colleagues and CTJJA to unveil results of the Youth First Initiative’s Connecticut survey...the public prefers treatment and rehabilitation for youth offenders over incarceration...and broadly supports youth criminal justice reform and rehabilitation!

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$14.5 Mil For Q House

January 29, 2016

The plan to tear down and rebuild Q House today received a shot in the arm – state funding...the State Bond Commission has approved $14.5 million in state funding for the project. Q House is an important community institution. There has been a hole in the Dixwell neighborhood since Q House closed more than 10 years ago.

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