House Passes Comprehensive Update to Gun Violence Statutes

May 26, 2023

As you know, I have been a champion for common sense gun responsibility laws for decades. Last week there came the reports of an active shooter in my neighborhood. I'd like to give a big shout out to the first responders not only from Danbury’s Police Department, but also those from our neighboring towns. They apprehended the shooter, and he was put in custody.

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Tom Saadi's Appointment

May 4, 2023

Earlier in April, Tom Saadi was reappointed as the Commissioner of Veteran Affairs. Commissioner Saadi is an old friend and it was an honor to offer my support for his reappointment on the House floor.

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April 22 is Earth Day

April 22, 2023

April 22 is Earth Day. Ever wonder how Earth Day began? The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, when San Francisco activist John McConnell and Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson separately asked Americans to join in a grassroots demonstration. Dealing with dangerously serious issues concerning toxic drinking water, air pollution, and the effects of pesticides, an impressive 20 million Americans—10% of the population—ventured outdoors and protested together.

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Mock Session for Legislative Interns

April 21, 2023

One of my favorite activities is working with young people on the workings of the General Assembly. Among them are the interns that serve my colleagues every year, under the direction of Angie Waszkiewicz. They are college students, and get significant academic credits for their participation.

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