Odd Fellows Home

June 2, 2017

I applaud the House passage of a bill that would end the litigation between the town of Groton and the Odd Fellows Home, a non-profit nursing home and rehabilitation center located in the town for over 120 years.

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Fighting Computer Crime

May 23, 2017

Following last week’s global cyberattack that infected 200,000 computers across 150 countries, the House of Representatives unanimously passed House Bill 7304 which would increase the computer crime penalty.

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TNC Bill Passes House

May 11, 2017

I applaud the House passage of a bill that improves the safety of citizens using transportation network companies (TNC’s), such as Uber and Lyft. The bill incorporates language of Conley’s own bill, HB 6275, which aimed to require these companies to submit their drivers to criminal background checks.

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Hate Crime Bill Passes House

May 10, 2017

I am pleased to announce a bill I supported that makes the commission of a hate crime a felony and increases potential penalties upon a conviction passed the House unanimously and now heads to the Senate.

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YLS Holds Annual Legislative Breakfast

May 8, 2017

The CBA YLS held its annual legislative breakfast at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on May 3. Section members met with Attorney General George Jepsen, State Comptroller Kevin Lembo, and State Representatives Christine Conley and Stephanie Cummings at the event.

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