Farm Operator Assistance Available

October 15, 2022

Farmers -- whether first-timers or those who've worked the land for generations -- are an integral part of the character and economy of our district. That's why I am pleased to announce that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved Governor Lamont's request to expand the natural disaster declaration for certain parts of our state due to the summer drought that has continued through fall. Agricultural producers in all 8 Connecticut counties are eligible to apply for assistance through the Farm Service Agency to help offset production losses resulting from the drought.

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Help with Rental Costs

October 14, 2022

Many of you have contacted me over the past two years for help with pandemic and post-pandemic rental relief through the UniteCT program. Some -- renters and landlords alike -- were disappointed that the UniteCT fund had been depleted. So, I'm happy to announce that UniteCT has been allocated an additional $11 million from the U.S. Department of the Treasury to supplement more than $400 million in federal funding previously allocated for the program that helps keep families safely housed.

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October 11, 2022

Domestic violence is a scourge on our society and it has gotten worse because of the isolation and mental health issues caused by pandemic. Violence by domestic partners happens everywhere and no one is immune. At least one in four women and one in seven men are abused in this nation each day.

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Reminder - Renters' Rebate Deadline October 1

September 26, 2022

This is reminder that if you or someone you know is elderly or disabled and currently renting housing, the Connecticut’s Renters’ Rebate Program deadline to apply is fast approaching. With this year's deadline falling on Saturday, October 1 and local and state offices closed on weekends, please plan to submit your application by this Friday, if you haven't already. Eligible renters may be able to get a rebate up to $900 for married couples and $700 for single persons, but you must act soon.

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Good News For Our Towns

September 20, 2022

We talk often about the funding needed to keep our small towns at their best, and that’s why I’m so happy to announce that Chester, Deep River, and Essex have been awarded grants through the Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP).

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Disability Voting Rights Week

September 14, 2022

Voting is one of our nation’s most fundamental rights and a hallmark of our democracy. It is critical that all eligible voters have equal access and opportunity to participate in our electoral process. Connecticut is committed to ensuring that the polls are accessible to all voters and that you are fully able to exercise your voting rights privately and independently.

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Help with Heating Costs

September 1, 2022

The application period for the 2022-2023 winter season of the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is now open! This program provides crucial support to vulnerable Connecticut homeowners and renters with the costs of heating their homes.

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