Honoring a Good Man, Early Voting, and Bills Passed on the Floor

May 8, 2023

The most important bill we passed on Thursday was HB 5004, An Act Implementing Early Voting. You will recall that after years of trying, the Legislature was able to pass a resolution that put a referendum question on the ballot last November to allow us to change the State Constitution to allow early voting. I'm grateful to all the voting access advocates whose dogged determination really helped move the needle on this bill which includes, among other expansions, a 14-day period in which citizens could vote in general elections. 

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Session Day Bill Passage

May 1, 2023

Thursday, the House was called into session, where we voted on a number of executive and judicial nominations and on a number of bills.

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Co-Sponsored Bills & Heading Toward "Sine Die"

April 17, 2023

The Legislature is entering its final leg of the 2023 Session.  
I find it helpful to think of the legislative session as having three main phases. And as we have concluded the first two phases, we are just about two-thirds of the way to "Sine Die" (pronounced "sin-ay-dee-ay") which is Latin for "without day." This marks the legal moment the legislature must conclude its business for the year. Sine Die for 2023 is midnight on June 7.

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