Keeping PFAS Chemicals Out of Your Well Water - Your Tax Dollars at Work!

December 15, 2022

“Your tax dollar at work” is a phrase usually used cynically; people who have little faith in government invoke it to show how wasteful and inefficient government can be.

And while there is surely some government waste mixed in with the good, last week a public webinar gave a telling look at what government agencies can accomplish when they pull together on behalf of citizens.

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Sandy Hook 10th Anniversary

December 14, 2022

Today, "thoughts and prayers" aren't enough. They never are. Along with being mindful all day today of this agonizing "anniversary," I recommit myself to fighting gun violence. I renew my promise -- my obligation -- to help pass the strictest gun safety laws possible. As a legislator, I do this in the name of every person who died needlessly by gun violence -- especially the children and teachers of Sandy Hook.
And while there is surely some government waste mixed in with the good, last week a public webinar gave a telling look at what government agencies can accomplish when they pull together on behalf of citizens.

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Improving Fiscal Outlook for Connecticut

December 13, 2022

After several years marred by a bleak fiscal outlook, there is finally some good news.

I’m pleased to report that responsible budgeting and major structural changes the State has made to pension and teachers' retirements plans are putting Connecticut on much more solid fiscal footing. As a result, financial rating agencies continue to upgrade our status, because ultimately, this prudent management will save taxpayers billions in debt payments.

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Upcoming CSDE Virtual Learning Session

December 9, 2022

It’s no secret our schools have experienced a lot of upheaval over the past two years. How is your child’s school doing with all these changes? Tune in Wednesday, December 14 from 5:00 to 6 p.m. to learn how to find out.

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Grants Available for Farmers

December 2, 2022

We are blessed with farms that help define our towns' character and boost our local economy. But whether those tending the land are fourth-generation land owners or young farmers just starting out, it's always helpful to have financial support.

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Special Session Vote to Ease Families' Burden

November 30, 2022

In a Special Session held Monday, my colleagues and I voted — on a bipartisan basis — on an omnibus bill aimed at lessening some of the financial burden many families are experiencing. The bill extends gas tax relief, extends free bus service, provides additional funding for energy assistance programs, continues premium pay for frontline workers, and slightly amends the Bottle Bill to make it easier for retailers to be in compliance.

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Need Health Insurance?

October 25, 2022

Access Health CT's (AHCT) Open Enrollment Period will open on Tuesday, November 1. During this period, individuals can renew their coverage, explore the various policy options for the first time or see if they can save money.

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CT Cultural Fund Operating Support Grants Deadline Approaching

October 20, 2022

CT Humanities (CTH) is once again partnering with the Connecticut Office of the Arts to offer CT Cultural Fund Operating Support Grants. These non-competitive grants provide general operating support to our state's museums, cultural, humanities, and arts organizations - helping them to best serve our communities.

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