Bills Passing out of the Environment Committee

March 29, 2022

Having concluded the phase of the Legislative Session in which we hold public hearings, committees are now voting to pass bills out of committee for consideration on the full floor of the House or Senate (depending on where the bill emanated from originally).

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Bills Moving Through the House

March 18, 2022
Last night, the House passed three key bills. We are now at that point in this short legislative session where bills that have been voted out of individual committees are beginning to "hit" the House (and Senate) floor to be voted on by the full Assembly. In the coming weeks, in this newsletter, I'll highlight some of the more significant ones and explain why I voted the way I did. 
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Moving Bills Along

March 3, 2022

As the Legislative session heats up, I want to bring you up to date on the bills I am most involved in on behalf of our community. The subjects range from Aquatic Invasive Plants to End-of-Life Compassionate Care to support for non-profits.

Please be aware that in a short session (held in the even-numbered years) individual legislators rarely get to raise their own bills; rather, the legislative committees having jurisdiction over particular concepts or subjects must raise an individual legislator’s bill as a “committee bill.”

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The Real Meaning of Black History Month

February 2, 2022

Whether or not to confront racism as part of the full story of American History has caused division within our community and in communities across the state. I would ask all of us to reflect on the importance of not turning a blind eye to our past, even as we celebrate the many remarkable achievements of people of color.

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New Laws as of January 1st

December 27, 2021
In addition to marking the start of a new year, January 1 also marks the enactment of new laws in our state. Please remember that some laws passed in 2021 won't take effect until later in the year or in 2023, e.g. recreational cannabis. Below I've gathered just a few that will go into effect on the first of the year which I think will be of interest to you.
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