HARC Leadership Award

April 20, 2016

I'm honored to have been selected as this year's recipient of HARC's Governmental Leadership award. HARC is an outstanding Hartford nonprofit organization that provides advocacy and support services for people with intellectual and related disabilities.

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Arts Day at the Capitol

March 3, 2016

Yesterday I had the opportunity to celebrate Connecticut’s artistic community at Arts Day at the State Capitol. I’m glad I was able to join my colleagues and the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) to speak about the importance of art to our state.

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Milner's Perfect Attendance Incentive

February 29, 2016

We have a great community of students, parents, teachers and administrators at Milner School in Hartford. I was happy to work with Dattco to make sure the children had transportation to a bowling outing as a prize for the school’s Perfect Attendance Incentive program.

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