Operation Fuel Assistance

April 12, 2021
Operation Fuel's Home Energy Assistance Program has grant funding still available to help Connecticut families reduce their unpaid utility and water bills.
This is especially important for customers with hardships who are protected from shutoffs through May 1, 2021 and whose bills continue to mount and must be paid.
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PURA Concludes Utility Bill Investigation

December 2, 2020

Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) issued a ruling today after concluding its parallel investigations into the unexpectedly high electric bills received in July and August by utility customers.

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Healthcare Workers Needed

November 17, 2020

To address staffing needs and shortages in nursing homes statewide, the Connecticut Department of Public Health today announced the launch of the ConnectToCare online portal to match long-term care facilities in the state with hundreds of qualified potential staff.

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