Vigil Honoring the Life of Nex Benedict

February 26, 2024

As the mother of a transgender teen, I was shocked and saddened by the recent death of Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old non-binary student from Oklahoma who died the day after being beaten in a school bathroom.
Every child, even trans kids, deserve to live free from violence and bigotry. I invite all of you to join me on Wednesday at 6 p.m. on the steps of the Capitol for a vigil honoring the life of Nex Benedict and to support all our trans youth.

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VIDEO: Comments on the Death of Nex Benedict

February 23, 2024

I took a few moments at the Committee on Children meeting on February 22 to address the tragic loss of a non-binary Oklahoma teenager, who was the victim of a brutal attack in their school bathroom on February 7. While all the details are not yet known, we do know that Nex was attacked that day in the bathroom. This is a hard loss for me. I'm so sorry, Nex.

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Funding for Heating Help Bolstered

February 21, 2024

We approved $17 million in additional funds for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Operation Fuel – two important programs that many residents and families rely on for cold weather heating assistance.

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