Rep. Boyd Receives Perfect Score from CBIA for His Voting Record Supporting Pro-Business Policies

September 24, 2021

State Representative Pat Boyd (D – Pomfret, Brooklyn, Eastford, Union, Woodstock) received a 100 percent score from the Connecticut Business and Industry Association for his votes during the 2021 legislative session on key legislation to grow the economy and promote job growth during the state's post-pandemic recovery. The CBIA is the largest association representing the business community in the State of Connecticut.

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Reps. Boyd, Conley Discuss Purple Heart School Program

May 18, 2021

Armed service member's children can face many challenges as they relocate schools due to a change in a parent's duty station. With the passage of HB 6483, CT removes a hurdle by allowing military orders to be accepted as proof of residency for public school enrollment, and adopts "the Purple Star School Program," to ensure military-friendly schools.

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Rep. Boyd Named House Chair of Veterans Affairs Committee

December 4, 2020

Speaker of the House-designate Matt Ritter and House Majority Leader Jason Rojas have tapped State Representative Pat Boyd to serve as House Chair of the legislature's Committee on Veterans' Affairs for the 2021 legislative session which convenes January 6, 2021.

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