Concrete Forum in Manchester

April 1, 2016

More than 100 people turned out to hear Consumer Protection Commissioner Jonathan Harris talk about his department's investigation into crumbling house foundations.

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Homeless Advocacy

March 3, 2016

During the 2016 Homelessness and Housing Advocacy event at the Legislative Office Building, Rep. Rojas heard from people who have experienced being homeless. He told advocates that state lawmakers hear their message loud and clear and called on them to talk to local officials about helping to end homelessness.

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Funding Approved For Brownfields

January 15, 2016

Representatives Henry Genga, Jason Rojas and Jeff Currey hailed Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s announcement Thursday that East Hartford is among six municipalities in the state being awarded grants to develop plans for remediating and developing clusters of brownfield sites.

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Spending Cuts Made To Close Budget Deficit

December 28, 2015

Because state revenues have not been as strong as we anticipated last year when we approved the current 2016 state budget, we voted earlier this month to cut spending by $350 million, or one-half of 1 percent of the $40 billion biennial state budget, thereby closing Connecticut’s budget deficit for the State Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2016.

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Customers Need To Check Electricity Bills

October 26, 2015

Rep. Jason Rojas is warning consumers to be vigilant and closely examine their electricity bills. A recent survey found that more than three-quarters of energy consumers in Connecticut buying third party power paid more than the standard service rate.

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