Investment in Albany Ave.

May 3, 2017

I hosted Governor Dannel Malloy, Mayor Luke Bronin, Hartford lawmakers, and the state Department of Transportation (DOT) at an event showcasing the $30 million investment in the Albany Avenue corridor in Hartford.

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Special Interest “Dark Money”

March 27, 2017

Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz, House Majority Leader Matt Ritter and Elections Committee House Chair Dan Fox held a press conference to discuss their legislation designed to shed light on and reduce the amount of special interest “dark money” in state election campaigns.

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Celebrating Open Governemnt

March 8, 2017

In order to make sure the public has an open window to the Legislature, Speaker Joe Aresimowicz, State Representative William Tong and I held a brief pre-session press conference to talk about the business of the day.

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Making CT More Affordable

March 2, 2017

This year I am co-sponsoring legislation that will ensure Connecticut remains one of the best places to live by making the state more affordable for both recent college graduates and senior citizens.

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Arts Day 2017

March 2, 2017

I was proud to speak this morning at the kick off Connecticut Arts Day 2017. It was such a pleasure to connect with so many of the state’s treasured artists. Thanks to CT Office of the Arts (COA) for another great event

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