Environmental Wins this Session

June 14, 2019

I am pleased that Connecticut is taking important steps with innovative ideas to help us address our environmental and energy challenges. I wanted to share a few successes we had this legislative session that address energy and climate change.

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End of Session Recap

June 5, 2019

As my first legislative session comes to a close, I am grateful and honored to have worked alongside my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on behalf of the people that sent me to Hartford. When casting each of my votes, I took into consideration the feedback I received from many of you who called and communicated their concerns and support on a variety of issues.

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Safety Measure to Help Students with Hearing Loss Advances

May 29, 2019

Every hearing impaired person communicates differently. School districts and families need to work together to ensure that emergency plans are in place for children with hearing loss. As a member of the Education Committee, I am ecstatic to see important legislation addressing this issue, moving forward.

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Food Allergy Awareness Week

May 15, 2019

In observation of Food Allergy Week, Sen. Lesser and I held a press conference today urging support/passage of SB 706, An Act Concerning Epinephrine Auto Injectors. After a decade of advocating for safe and inclusive food allergy policies in schools, in our community and in businesses, I am proud to now, as a legislator, be able to help guide Connecticut’s statewide healthcare policies to support parents and together bring this important issue to the forefront.

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Food Allergy Awareness & Increasing Access to Epinephrine

May 13, 2019

I am supporting a measure to increase access to life-saving epinephrine auto injectors and working to raise awareness of food allergies for the 21st annual Food Allergy Awareness Week, May 12-18. One of my top priorities is supporting measures that raise awareness and address the growing public health concern of life-threatening food allergies.

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Early Childhood Intervention Information

April 25, 2019

I am pleased the house passed a measure to require the Office of Early Childhood to develop a document concerning dissemination of information about developmental milestones experienced by children from birth to age three and information on how to access the Child Development Infoline.

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