Happy and Healthy Passover!

April 8, 2020

Passover celebrations start tonight and while the holiday will be impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing measures, we can still recognize and virtually celebrate this significant holiday with our American Jewish friends and neighbors.

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Governor's Update - As of 4-4-20

April 5, 2020

An additional 362 Connecticut residents have tested positive for COVID-19, bringing the statewide total to 5,276. To date, more than 22,029 tests have been conducted in Connecticut among both state and private laboratories. 

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Access Health Enrollment Extended

April 2, 2020

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to threaten public health, Access Health CT announced it has extended the NEW SPECIAL ENROLLMENT PERIOD for these exceptional circumstances through April 17, 2020 for qualified UNINSURED Connecticut residents. To see if you qualify call between 8AM – 5PM, Monday - Friday at 1- 855-365-2428; TTY: 1-855-789-2428.

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Census 2020 Reminder - Get Counted!

April 1, 2020

In the midst of all the coronavirus daily updates and information, I would like to take a moment to bring special attention to April 1 - not because of April Fools, but to remind you to complete the 2020 Census on Census Day!

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COVID-19 Governor's Update as of 3-31-20

March 31, 2020

I want to share a few important updates that include the coronavirus, mortgage relief for Connecticut residents and businesses, helpful information from the federal government for small businesses as well as a couple of local highlights.

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