Extreme Heat Advisory, CTDOT Maintenance Facility Headed To Avon

July 10, 2024

It’s a broken record already, but we continue to be under an extreme heat advisory. I hope you are taking all precautions and if you do not have access to air conditioning at your home, you are seeking out the libraries and senior centers in Avon and Canton. Keeping that water bottle handy is extremely important right now.

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Expanded Paid Sick Days: It's The Law, PA 24-46, A Good Look For Veterans

May 30, 2024

While our parades were rained out this weekend, I heard that the ceremonies in each town were quite moving. I say “heard,” because, unfortunately, I’ve been down for the last week with what feels like the worst cold I have ever had. I was very sad to miss these meaningful annual events and hope many of you had the chance to be there.

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