COVID-19 Update 8/27

August 27, 2020

Connecticut Department of Public Health Acting Commissioner Dr. Deidre Gifford today issued an order expanding visitation in Connecticut nursing homes and clarifying for all long-term care facilities their obligations to facilitate visitations however possible to keep residents connected to loved ones on the outside on a regular basis.

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COVID-19 Update 8/25

August 25, 2020

The regional travel advisory between Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York that directs incoming travelers from states with a significant community spread of COVID-19 to self-quarantine for a 14-day period was updated today and now includes Guam on the list of impacted locations. In addition, five states have been removed from the list, including Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, Maryland, and Montana.

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COVID-19 Update 8/24

August 24, 2020

According to the latest data, Connecticut's COVID-19 infection rate remains below 1%. Of the 55,317 tests since Friday, 492 came back positive. The state has also had three consecutive days without a coronavirus-related death.

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