Danbury Delegation Lauds Passing Of Biennium Budget

June 9, 2021

HARTFORD – State Representatives Bob Godfrey (110th District), Ken Gucker (138th), David Acronti (109th) and Raghib Allie-Brennan (2nd) praised passage of a balanced budget that rejected tax hikes, provided more funding for hospitals and local health departments as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, expanded workforce training and other supports to get people back to work to help jumpstart the economy and increases in Education Cost Sharing (ECS) funding for Danbury Public Schools in 2022 and '23.

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Fuel Cells Bill Passes House

May 26, 2021

Fuel cells can offer a cleaner, more efficient, and affordable option to supplying and storing energy. They also provide new high-tech jobs, especially right here in Danbury at Fuel Cell Energy, Inc.

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