Making Your Voice Heard #2 - Week of January 30

January 27, 2023

In my ongoing effort to make government more transparent and to encourage all residents of Chester, Deep River, Winthrop, Essex, Ivoryton, Centerbrook, Haddam, Tylerville and Higganum to become more engaged in the civic progress, I will, over the next several weeks, be sending out regular e-blasts on pending public hearings.

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Keeping PFAS Chemicals Out of Your Well Water - Your Tax Dollars at Work!

December 15, 2022

“Your tax dollar at work” is a phrase usually used cynically; people who have little faith in government invoke it to show how wasteful and inefficient government can be.

And while there is surely some government waste mixed in with the good, last week a public webinar gave a telling look at what government agencies can accomplish when they pull together on behalf of citizens.

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Sandy Hook 10th Anniversary

December 14, 2022

Today, "thoughts and prayers" aren't enough. They never are. Along with being mindful all day today of this agonizing "anniversary," I recommit myself to fighting gun violence. I renew my promise -- my obligation -- to help pass the strictest gun safety laws possible. As a legislator, I do this in the name of every person who died needlessly by gun violence -- especially the children and teachers of Sandy Hook.
And while there is surely some government waste mixed in with the good, last week a public webinar gave a telling look at what government agencies can accomplish when they pull together on behalf of citizens.

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