IT & Digital Innovation Academy

May 2, 2019

It was good to join with Newington High School and John Patterson School students today at the state capitol where they put on an impressive display of technology and communicated the importance of being tech-savvy for the jobs of today and the future. Congratulations to all of them and I am sure they will continue to do great things.

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Preserving Cedar Mountain Open Space

May 1, 2019

Preserving open space is preserving our present quality of life as well as that of future generations that’s why it’s important to make conservation a part of the conversation of our daily lives. Open space is a limited resource and, if we do not protect it, it can be lost forever so it is all of our responsibility to do everything we can to protect it.

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Turco Talk Time - Climate Change

April 30, 2019

Joining me for this installment of Turco Talk Time is Sierra Club volunteer and Newington resident Noah Cross to talk about climate change and the importance of supporting initiatives to help protect the environment.

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Turco Talk Time - Early Voting

April 26, 2019

Participation in the electoral process is the foundation of our Democracy. In this installment of Turco Talk Time, I am joined by activist and Newington resident Terry LaPenta to talk about the importance of voting and implementing an early voting process in Connecticut. To sign up for regular updates on early voting send email to:

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One Step Closer to Early Voting

April 25, 2019

The House took action approving a resolution that would include a ballot question to amend the State Constitution to allow for an in-person early voting system. Once the resolution gets final legislative approval, the question will appear on the November 2020 ballot for voters to decide if Connecticut should implement it.

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Educating Against Fraud And Scams

April 23, 2019

I was pleased to join with Detective Derrick Walker, NPD and AARP John Coates presenting - The Con Artist Playbook at the Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington. It was an informative event where constituents came to listen and learn how to protect themselves from scams and frauds.

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