2021 Constituent Survey Available

February 4, 2021

State Representative Kara Rochelle (D – Ansonia/Derby) is seeking input from the people of her district as she continues to prepare for the 2021 Legislative Session.  

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Budget Surplus Expected for FY 21

January 27, 2021

Connecticut's consensus revenues were released last week, indicating Connecticut stands on more stable fiscal ground than previous projections anticipated. According to the Governor's Office of Policy and Management and the legislature's nonpartisan Office of Fiscal Analysis predict a budget surplus in fiscal year 2021.

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How to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine

January 13, 2021

Yesterday, our state's COVID-19 positivity rate reached 10.72%, the highest level in months, making it even more important for eligible residents to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Our state is currently in Phase 1A of the vaccine rollout. Individuals included in this phase are essential frontline workers, long-term care residents and staff, and first responders.

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