Legislative Forum

February 3, 2017

The CT Legislature’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus held a public forum at the Legislative Office Building to learn about the issues important to the communities we serve.

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Changes to Waterbury Recycling

February 2, 2017

Waterbury’s recycling coordinator, CJ May, would like to host an informational forum on changes to the city’s recycling services in your neighborhood.

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Regs Review

January 24, 2017

Today was the opening meeting of the Legislative Regulation Review Committee. It is a completely bipartisan committee that reviews regulations proposed by state agencies and approves them before they are implemented.

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Three Kings Day Event

January 9, 2017

I was very pleased to participate another successful 3 Kings Day Event hosted by the Hispanic Coalition! I thank them for all the excellent work they do in the community and for all of the lives they enrich every day.

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