COVID Update 5/17/21

May 17, 2021
The following is a summary of the day-to-day newly reported data on cases, deaths, and tests in Connecticut. It is important to note that these newly reported updates include data that occurred over the last several days to a week. All data in this report are preliminary, and data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected.
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Vaccine Update & COVID Update

May 14, 2021
With summer just around the corner, Governor Lamont announced great news for the children and families of Connecticut. Connecticut residents ages 12 through 15 are now eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine. 
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Legislation Passed 5/12/21

May 13, 2021
This Wednesday the House was in session to pass several pieces of important legislation. Below I have provided highlights on a few of bills that passed.

HB 5656: State Food is Pizza

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Legislation Passed 5/11/21

May 12, 2021

This Tuesday the House was in session to pass several pieces of important legislation. Below I have provided highlights on a few of bills that passed.


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COVID Update 5/11/21

May 11, 2021
The following is a summary of the day-to-day newly reported data on cases, deaths, and tests in Connecticut. It is important to note that these newly reported updates include data that occurred over the last several days to a week. All data in this report are preliminary, and data for previous dates will be updated as new reports are received and data errors are corrected.
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