Comprehensive Approach to Noise Mitigation on I-95

April 8, 2022

The solution to the I-95 noise problem will not be easy and will take more work. I am grateful for the work of the community group, specifically the Stop the Noise 95 group, the Riverside Association, and the Byram Neighborhood Association for their strong advocacy in our conversations with the Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT). I want to personally thank the governor for his help and consideration of our efforts.

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Expanding Voter Access

March 17, 2022

The House passed HB 5262, An Act Revising Certain Absentee Voting Eligibility Statutes, to make it easier for voters to vote absentee if they're feeling unwell, worried about their health, or out of town on Election Day.

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Tree Trimming Near Power Lines

March 8, 2022

The CT Public Utility Regulatory Authority has required the United Illuminating Company and Eversource to establish direct toll free phone numbers for residents to call to ask questions about vegetation management/ tree trimming and pruning.

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