Sales Tax Free Week

August 14, 2019

Summer is coming to a close and kids will soon be heading back to school. To help working families prepare – and save – Connecticut offers its annual Sales Tax Free Week. From Sunday, August 18 through Saturday, August 24, you can save on clothing and footwear - and send your kids back to school in style! 

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Healthcare Reform

June 4, 2019

After many hours of hard work and debate, my colleagues and I have passed House Bill 7267, which takes a comprehensive and systematic approach to health care and its soaring costs. The directives and policies in this legislation will significantly increase access to care and create a more sustainable, high-value health care system in the future.

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Affordable in-home child care measure moves forward

May 23, 2019

I am extremely proud to see that a bill I championed through the legislative process to expand the availability of licensed, affordable in-home child care for Connecticut children and families passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support last week.

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Motorcycle Helmet Safety Bill Passes House

May 15, 2019

The House of Representatives voted favorably Tuesday evening to approve legislation requiring motorcycle riders under 21 years of age to wear a helmet, taking one more step to promote motorcycle safety among young operators.

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New Haven Legislators Denounce Arson at Mosque

May 13, 2019

Today our delegation released statements in response to the announcement that the Sunday fire at the Diyanet Mosque of New Haven was intentionally set. This act of cowardice is an attack on one the most precious freedoms that we hold dear – the freedom to practice our particular faith in peace and free from violence. I strongly condemn this act and assure that New Haven stands in full support of our Muslim community. We will not sit back as one of our houses of worship is attacked and will take an active role in helping to get the mosque rebuilt.

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One Step Closer to Early Voting

April 25, 2019

The House took action approving a resolution that would include a ballot question to amend the State Constitution to allow for an in-person early voting system. Once the resolution gets final legislative approval, the question will appear on the November 2020 ballot for voters to decide if Connecticut should implement it.

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