Peace & Unity Rally

August 28, 2017

Proud to stand with my colleagues and members of the legislature’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC), several community activists, clergy members, and state and local officials, at a Peace & Unity Rally speaking against hateful and bigoted speech.

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Hartford Day at the Capitol!

May 31, 2017

Proud to join our Majority Leader Rep. Matt Ritter, my Hartford legislative delegation colleagues, Hartford's Mayor Luke Bronin, Governor Malloy and many other local and state officials celebrating Hartford's Day a the State Capitol.

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Rep. Joshua Hall Begins Serving His First Term

May 4, 2017

I am excited to start serving my first legislative term and attend my first Session Day!

My committee assignments have been announced and I have been tapped to serve on the Executive & Legislative Nominations, Labor & Public Employees and Planning and Development Committees.

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Rep. Joshua Hall Sworn In

April 28, 2017

I was honored to be sworn in to serve my first term as a State Representative on Friday, April 28 by Deputy Secretary of the State, Scott D. Bates.

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