Honoring Bloomfield High School Athletes at the Capitol

May 9, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

It was with great pride and joy that I had the honor to host our Bloomfield High School Championship Student-Athletes at the Capitol.  Congratulations to the Boys Football Team, and Girls and Boys Indoor Track and Field Teams.  Athletic Director Allison Borawski, Coach Ty Outlaw, Coach Anne Burrows, Coach Garfield White, and all of the outstanding assistant coaches have done an amazing job of helping our student-athletes be some of the best competitors in the world!

If you have any questions or would like to reach out, don't hesitate to email Bobby.Gibson@cga.ct.gov or call my office at (860) 240-0472. To stay up to date on everything I'm doing at the Capitol, please visit my web page and like my official Facebook page.


Bobby Gibson
State Representative


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