Rep. DiGiovancarlo Featured

July 23, 2021

"Freshman Waterbury State Representative Mike DiGiovancarlo (D-74th) was a driving force behind that legislation. 'DiGi' as he’s known around Waterbury, is also a city police officer."

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Elder Justice Hotline

July 21, 2021

The State of Connecticut has created a one stop shop to help older people navigate state services, for everything from age-based discrimination to neglect issues.

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New Laws Going into Effect Today

July 1, 2021

Over 100 new laws in Connecticut go into effect TODAY. These laws mark the tireless work put in by my colleagues and I over the past few months. We all worked hard to listen to your concerns in order to advocate for you in Hartford.

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Vaccinated Individuals Could Win Concert Tickets

June 28, 2021

Last week, Governor Ned Lamont announced the launch of the State of Connecticut’s “Rock the Shot” promotional campaign to encourage Connecticut residents to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by giving away pairs of tickets to concerts happening throughout the summer and fall in the state.

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Budget Passes that Invests in Waterbury

June 25, 2021

Governor Ned Lamont yesterday signed legislation enacting a biennial state budget for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 that was approved by the Connecticut General Assembly with overwhelming bipartisan support and makes significant investments in education, healthcare, childcare, workforce development, cities and towns, and nonprofit social service providers while not raising taxes.

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Cities Highlights - Working for You

June 17, 2021

With the 2021 legislative session behind us, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the work we were able to accomplish that I believe will directly benefit Waterbury.

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