2024 Legislative Survey

Dear Neighbor

Thank you for taking a minute to fill out my brief legislative survey. I want to know what your priorities are for our state and truly be your voice in Hartford.

The Environment

The most recent Connecticut GHG report indicates that we are not on track to meet our medium and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets and that the state will need to “significantly accelerate” annual reductions in order to achieve these goals. Transportation in Connecticut is responsible for 40% of our greenhouse gas emissions and 66% of NOx emissions. These emissions not only are contributing to global warming, they are also detrimental to our health and the air we breathe.

Please rank in order of importance (with 1, being the most important), policies to help address achieving these targets:

Affordable Housing

Housing prices continue to climb across the US, and particularly in the Northeast. Many moderate income residents are having difficulty finding affordable houses to purchase or rent. In addition, many businesses are having issues attracting talent with local housing shortages.

Please rank in order of importance (with 1, being the most important), policies to help address housing affordability:


The legislature has enacted a number of tax changes as part of its FY 24-25 budget that included reducing the bottom two marginal income tax rates, extending eligibility for retirement income exemptions to more taxpayers, and increasing the earned income tax credit.

Please rank in order of importance (with 1, being the most important), tax policies to help improve affordability in our state:

In addition, regarding taxation and infrastructure policy. Would you support increasing the income tax on people earning over $1 million a year?
Our community priorities

Please number 1-7 with your top priorities for our community, which 1 being the highest:

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