Improving Fiscal Outlook for Connecticut

December 7, 2022

I am pleased to report that responsible budgeting and major structural changes made to pension and teachers' retirements plans are putting Connecticut on much more solid fiscal ground and saving taxpayers billions in debt payments.

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Eversource and United Illuminating Rate Increases

November 18, 2022

I am sure we share the same concerns about Eversource and United Illuminating, the state's two main electric distribution companies, which both filed their new rates for standard service supply rates with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) that will increase rates by approximately 40%.

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Bonus Payment for Childcare Workers

October 11, 2022

As a thank you for their tireless work, Connecticut childcare workers will soon receive bonus payments. Governor Lamont released $70 million in state funding for the Wage Supports for Early Childhood Educators program. Through this program, full time childcare employees will receive $1,000 and part time employees will receive $400.

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New Laws Effective October 1

September 28, 2022

This weekend, several new laws in Connecticut will go into effect on October 1. These laws are a result of my colleagues' hard work during the 2022 session. Below are just some of the laws that will take effect and what they mean for you.

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