2019 Grace Academy Robotic Team

May 23, 2019

Congratulations to the 2019 Grace Academy Robotic Team, which won first place in the First Lego League, First place in the CT Science Center RoboJam event, and first place in the International Fire Fighting Robot Competition! They also received the IEEE Award for Excellence, the Vex Robot Design Award, and the ​Gallichotte Award for Best Connecticut Robot.

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Gun Safety Legislation Moves Forward

May 13, 2019

Connecticut is a leader when it comes to sensible gun safety laws. We continued our leadership on the issue by passing Ethan’s Law, legislation regulating ghost guns and legislation increasing safe storage in motor vehicles.

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One Step Closer to Early Voting

April 25, 2019

The House took action approving a resolution that would include a ballot question to amend the State Constitution to allow for an in-person early voting system. Once the resolution gets final legislative approval, the question will appear on the November 2020 ballot for voters to decide if Connecticut should implement it.

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Colt Park Cleanup

April 9, 2019

It was great to join with Friends of recently on a cleanup event to show our pride in our great City of Hartford and our historic and beautiful Colt Park.

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CHESLA Scholarship And Loans Program

April 5, 2019

For many, college costs can be overwhelming and if students are unaware of available resources, searching for loans, grants and scholarships can be a daunting task. Follow this link for information on the CHESLA program.

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