
Tax Relief Measures 2024

January 5, 2024

As a result of fiscal responsibility and bipartisanship in 2023, I am pleased to announce that significant relief is on the way for many Connecticut taxpayers in 2024!

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New Laws Effective January 1

December 28, 2023

As we ring in the new year, there are some laws that become effective on January 1 that were passed during the 2023 legislative session addressing key issue areas including early voting, health and mental health, and online privacy and data protection.

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Connecticut Supports a Strong Business Climate

November 30, 2023

Thanks to our strong, fiscally responsible policies at the state level:
Our bond ratings are stellar.
Job growth numbers keep improving.
We have cut billions in unfunded pension debts from our balance sheets.
We paid back the pandemic-era Unemployment Trust Fund loan, which is great news for local businesses.

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Access Health CT's Open Enrollment

November 1, 2023

Access Health CT's (AHCT) Open Enrollment Period for 2024 opens this Wednesday, November 1. During this period, individuals can enroll for the first time, renew their coverage, and explore the various policy options to see which will be the most beneficial.

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Rep. Rosario Recognized by League of Conservation Voters

November 1, 2023

Recently, the CTLCV - Connecticut League of Conservation Voters released its annual Environmental Scorecard. The legislation included in the scorecard represents a diverse set of environmental concerns. I'm pleased to report I received a 91% rating from CTLCV.

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Informational Public Hearing For Veterans Issues

October 27, 2023

There will be a Veteran and Military Affairs Committee Informational Public Hearing on Wednesday, November 8th from 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM. You can attend in person at the Legislative Office Building (300 Capitol Avenue, Hartford) in Room 2C or via Zoom.

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Disconnected and At-Risk Youth

October 25, 2023

Connecticut-based Dalio Education recently released a report it commissioned that focused on "disconnected and at-risk youth" and found more than 63,000 young adults were disconnected, and 56,000 students were at risk between 2021 and 2022, according to the compiled data.

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CT Paid Family Medical Leave

October 12, 2023

It is important that workers in all our communities are aware of the Paid Family Medical leave program and qualifying guidelines. For covered workers, CT Paid Leave allows you to take the time you need to address your own health conditions - or those of your family - without worrying about lost income while you are away from work.

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