2020 End of Session Newsletter

August 3, 2020

This year we face several crises at once - the emergence of an infectious agent, or pathogen, named COVID-19 that is new, and the exposure of another pathogen - systemic racism - that is not new. Neither is going away soon, but as is often true in public health, the worst effects are preventable with vigilance and leadership.

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Daily Shares Updates

July 16, 2020

To help you and our neighbors stay up-to-date on the ever-evolving stream of information related to the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic, my office and I are working to provide news as it develops over social media and by email. This is a recap of some of this week’s highlights.

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COVID-19 District Newsletter

July 15, 2020

COVID-19 has caused great suffering and disrupted jobs, our children’s education and our lives. My condolences to those who have suffered or lost loved ones to this disease.

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Happy 4th of July! News of the Week

July 2, 2020

To help you and our neighbors stay up-to-date on the ever-evolving stream of information related to the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic, my office and I are working to provide news as it develops over social media and by email.

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