Crescent Crossings Development

April 1, 2016

I would like to thank all those involved for the hard work that culminated in this transit oriented development that will benefit the City of Bridgeport.

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Funding For Housatonic Community College

March 24, 2016

Housatonic Community College provides an important start to higher education opportunities for hundreds of students. These funds will help to continue the ongoing plans to renovate the school’s facilities to deliver an even more enriching student experience.

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Fighting For Promised Funds

March 21, 2016

I joined with fellow legislators and city mayors to keep our city on the radar when it comes to restoring proposed state cuts in this very difficult budget cycle.

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Bridgeport Receives Major Funding For Several Projects

January 29, 2016

Habitat for Humanity has been changing lives for many years throughout communities across the state and I applaud the funding in their support in this round of funding. Bridgeport continues to benefit from a delegation working to bring the resources home.

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