National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October 14, 2021
Did you know October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month? National Disability Employment Awareness Month began in 1945 to highlight the contributions of people with disabilities to the workforce and to raise awareness of the inequities they face. 
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New Laws in Effect

October 1, 2021

Several new laws in Connecticut will go into effect TODAY, October 1. These laws are a result of the hard work of my colleagues and I during the 2021 session. We worked tirelessly to push for change that would benefit all Connecticut residents. 


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Minimum Wage Increase Takes Effect in CT

August 4, 2021

Two years ago, I worked hard to pass a piece of legislation that focused on assisting working families and improving their quality of life by increasing the minimum wage over a series of several years until it reaches $15 in 2023.

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New Laws in Effect

July 7, 2021
Over 100 new laws in Connecticut went into effect July 1st. These laws mark the tireless work put in by my colleagues and I over the past few months. We all worked hard to listen to your concerns in order to advocate for you in Hartford.
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CT Legislators Take a 'Stand for Dignity' with Essential Workers at the Capitol, Call for Increased protections

June 4, 2020

Essential workers that deliver a variety of services in Connecticut, from childcare to in home care, shared their experiences during COVID-19 and made calls for increased PPE distribution and access for all essential workers; Paid sick leave for all essential workers; the passage of a Presumptive Worker’s Compensation law; No cost COVID-19 testing and treatment for all essential workers; and hazard pay.

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