Eversource and United Illuminating Rate Increases

November 21, 2022

I am sure we share the same concerns about Eversource and United Illuminating, the state's two main electric distribution companies, which both filed for new standard service supply rates with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) that will increase rates by approximately 40%. Once approved by PURA, these new rates will go into effect from January 1, 2023, through the first six months of the year.

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CT Nip Bottle Recycling Program Pays Off

November 3, 2022

In its first full year, Connecticut's "nickel-per-nip" program has generated over $4.2 million for municipalities throughout the state. The program, which places a 5-cent surcharge on every 50 mL container of alcohol, commonly called a "nip", was passed in 2021 as part of updates to our state's Bottle Bill.

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Temporary PSLF Program Waiver Ends October 31

October 28, 2022

Thousands of Connecticut residents have dedicated their careers to public service. The federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program recognizes this choice with complete student loan cancellation after 10 years of public service work and loan payments. Teachers, nurses, government and nonprofit employees, veterans and others are among those eligible for this program.

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CT Launches Teen Safe Driving Video Contest

October 24, 2022

Connecticut has launched its 14th Annual Safe Teen Driving Video Contest, which engages high school students on the dangers of distracting driving and the importance of driving responsibly. The announcement coincides with National Teen Driver Safety Week falling during the week of October 16 through 22.

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Bonuses for Child Care Workers

October 14, 2022

As a thank you for their tireless work, Connecticut childcare workers will soon receive bonus payments. Governor Lamont released $70 million in state funding for the Wage Supports for Early Childhood Educators program.

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Strengthening CT's Manufacturing Workforce Pipeline

October 7, 2022

With $12.71 billion in manufactured goods exports in 2020, manufacturers help drive Connecticut’s economy. Did you know there are an average of 158,000 manufacturing employees in our state? I was proud to support a state budget and other legislative initiatives to bolster and expand the industry.

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New Laws Taking Effect October 1

September 30, 2022

This weekend, several new laws in Connecticut will go into effect on October 1. These laws are a result of my colleagues' hard work during the 2022 session.

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CT Makes Historic Pension Payment

September 26, 2022

Connecticut continues to make sound financial decisions that will strengthen our state long term. State Comptroller Natalie Braswell announced that her office will transfer $3.1 billion into the rainy-day fund.

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